Eyelid lumps

Benign Eyelid Lumps can take many forms; the most common types are Chalazion, Xanthelasma and Cysts. Eyelid lump treatment is performed by our surgeon.
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About eyelid lumps

Benign Eyelid Lumps can take many forms; the most common types are:

Chalazion A
Chalazion is a Greek word meaning “small lump”. It refers to the swelling of an oil-producing gland (or “meibomian gland”) in the eyelid. A chalazion can often be confused with a stye, which also appears as a lump in the eyelid. While a stye is an infection of the lash follicle, a chalazion is an inflammatory reaction to trapped oil secretions. When a chalazion is large, it can cause blurred vision, discomfort and in some cases can cause the entire eyelid to swell suddenly (preseptal cellulitis), which needs to be treated with antibiotics.if a chalazion has been present for a long time, it can be treated with surgical removal under local anaesthesia.

A Xanthelasma, referred to as a cholesterol deposit, is a soft yellowish subcutaneous plaque within the skin of the eyelid. They are often associated with Hyperlipidemia, familial hypercholesterolemia, or primary biliary cirrhosis but can also be seen in menopausal, diabetic and in normo-cholesterolemic patients. Xanthelsma can be easily remove surgically.

Cyst (other)
There are various cysts that can arise around the eye. Common ones include sebaceous cysts (as with any other part of the body), cysts of Moll (benign, non-tender translucent lesions arising from the apocrine sweat glands) and cysts of Zeiss (similar to cysts of Moll but containing oily secretions).

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Book your consultation or contact us to find out more information about eyelid lumps. You'll find our team are professional and discreet, and always ready to help and advise on your concerns.

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