
Rosacea and facial redness is a common skin condition which many of us suffer from and wish to minimise.

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Why treat rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects people normally over the age of 30; more frequently women than men and normally in people of lighter complexions.

Rosacea is a condition that results in a ‘blush’ or redness that typically involves the central region of the face, mainly the forehead, cheeks, chin and lower half of the nose. Symptoms are initially intermittent but usually progress to become consistent.  If left untreated, symptoms will worsen, so early action is advised.

The redness in rosacea, often aggravated by flushing, may cause superficial blood vessels in the face to dilate and become visible through the transparency of the skin resulting in facial thread veins, Continual or repeat episodes of flushing and ‘blush’ may promote inflammation, causing pustules and papules to develop.

As well as physical symptoms, rosacea is often associated with feelings of frustration, embarrassment and lowered self-esteem. The psychological fear or worry that flushing or blushing will cause social distress often exacerbates the physical symptoms.

The cause of rosacea is unknown and it cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled to improve the appearance. Conventional medical treatment involves either topical antibiotics or oral antibiotics both of which effectively treat inflammatory pustules and papules. However, conventional medicine fails to treat redness or reduce the appearance of dilated blood vessels and is ineffective for flushing symptoms. Laser therapy offers gold standard treatment of these unwanted symptoms

We offer the complete range of laser treatments and medical peels to ensure the optimal results for rosacea treatment.

Symptoms of rosacea

  • Episodes of flushing and redness
  • Burning and stinging sensations
  • Permanent redness
  • Spots (papules and pustules)
  • Small blood vessels in the skin becoming visible

Signs of rosacea

  • Redness of the face or cheeks (Erythema)
  • A tendency to flushing or blushing
  • Dilated blood vessels (Telangiectasia)
  • Acne like skin eruptions (Inflammatory pustules and papules)
  • Burning sensation on the face

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Book your consultation or contact us to find out more information about rosacea treatment. You'll find our team are professional and discreet, and always ready to help and advise on your concerns.

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