Jowls and sagging skin

Skin laxity around the face and jawline is a completely normal part of ageing which many seek to improve.

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Why treat jowls and sagging skin?

Sagging skin in the lower face and neck is a normal part of the aging process. As we age, it is natural for facial sagging to occur around the jawline, with lost definition, jowls, a double chin, and neck laxity all common.

Sun-damage and smoking can accelerate the ageing process resulting in a loss of the skin’s elasticity and collagen. The appearance of aging can manifest in several ways in the neck and lower face.

Loose skin: Commonly known as 'turkey neck', this occurs as skin loses its elasticity and in cases where individuals have lost a great deal of weight. Sagging is usually most apparent along the jowl line.

Fat: A pool of fat under the chin also can cause sagging and give the appearance of bloating.

Banding: As the muscles of the neck weaken with age, the vertical cords of tissue begin to stretch out of shape, causing unsightly bands around the neck.

Sagging of the lower face or jowls and thin, wrinkled skin on the neck can be some of the most upsetting signs of age and aging skin. At our centre we offer a number of effective and non-surgical treatments to make a difference to this common concern.

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Book your consultation or contact us to find out more information about jowls and skin sagging . You'll find our team are professional and discreet, and always ready to help and advise on your concerns.

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