Spider angioma

Spider nevus or angioma are small clumps of blood vessels on the surface of the skin, usually on the face, neck, chest and arms.

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About spider angioma

What causes spider angiomas?

The cause of spider angiomas is not known. The vast majority affect healthy people, and most people have only one spider angioma or a just a few. Spider angiomas may appear when the body has increased levels of oestrogen hormones such as in pregnancy or when taking the oral contraceptive pill.

What are the symptoms of a spider angioma?

Apart from its appearance, a spider angioma does not usually cause any symptoms. Bleeding from a spider angioma is unusual but may occur if picked or scratched.

What does a spider angioma look like?

A spider angioma has a central red spot, which may be raised from which smaller red blood vessels radiate outwards. Pressing onto a spider angioma will make it disappear. On releasing the pressure, the blood will go back in, returning the red colour of the spider angioma. It may measure up to a centimetre in diameter.

The majority of spider angiomas are on the face, upper chest, back and upper arms.

How can spider angioma be treated?

Spider angiomas are of cosmetic concern only and so are not usually treated by the NHS. We offer several treatments for the removal of spider angioma:

Laser therapy is a fast, effective procedure for removing spider angioma. Nd:YAG is the strongest and most effective treatment for vascular lesions

Electrodessication is a procedure that utilises a hyfrecator instrument with the intention of cauterising the small arterioles.

Your surgeon will be able to advise on the most suitable treatment for you.

Get in touch

Book your consultation or contact us to find out more information about removal of spider angiomas. You'll find our team are professional and discreet, and always ready to help and advise on your concerns.
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