Mole removal

We'll assess your moles, checking for any which may be concerning, and determine the best method of removal.

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About mole removal

Most people have moles on their skin and it's very common to wish to remove one or more of them, however, this is not normally available on the NHS.

Mole removal procedures at our registered medical clinic are carried out by surgeons who specialise in dermatology and minor operations. Their experience and expertise in skin surgery makes them ideal for the identification and treatment of both 'normal' non-cancerous moles and 'abnormal' pre-cancerous moles. Along with knowledge of skin surgery, our surgeons'  cosmetic surgery skills enable them to minimise the potential of unsightly scarring during the mole removal.

What are the types of moles?

  • Flat moles are considered as any dark spot or irregularity in the skin.
  • Raised moles can be a variety of colours and may run deeper into the dermal layers than flat moles.
  • Skin tags are small skin-coloured growths that generally have small stalks and are usually painless.

About the procedure

Mole removal surgery and recovery is generally very simple. If the depth of the mole merits an excision, stitches are used for closure and are left in for approximately one week.

If the mole is superficial, it may be shaved, and no stitch will be required. In these cases, the mole removal site will form a scab that will fall off within a week. Once the scab comes off, the area underneath is usually a pink or reddish colour, which may take few weeks to blend in with the surrounding skin. Shaving a mole offers the advantage of not having sutures, but has the clear disadvantage that if the mole extends beneath the surface of the skin, as most do, it will predictably grow back, usually within weeks to months of being shaved off.

Regardless of the technique used for mole removal, the area should be kept clean and protected from the sun with a high SPF.

If you notice any changes to your moles or are worried about them, book an appointment to see one of our surgeons.

Note that your consultation fee of £50 will be refunded if you would like to proceed with any procedure on the day of your consultation.

Get in touch

Book your consultation or contact us to find out more information about mole removal. You'll find our team are professional and discreet, and always ready to help and advise on your concerns.
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