Aqualyx fat dissolving injections

Are you struggling with small pockets of fat on the stomach, bingo wings or chin? Aqualyx fat dissolving injections may be the solution for you!

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About Aqualyx fat dissolving injections

Aqualyx is one of the most popular and effective non-surgical fat removal treatments and is effective at sculpting the face and body.

Aqualyx is made from a plant-based solution. It is injected into the fatty tissue, surrounds the cells and destroys them. The remains of the fat cells are then excreted by the body safely as waste. Aqualyx is popular with patients who want to get rid of stubborn areas of fat on their faces and bodies and is clinically proven for these purposes.

Many men and women have issues with fat in stubborn areas that just won’t shift. Even after losing weight and exercising frequently, they find that the excess fat simply won’t budge.

Aqualyx is a much less invasive procedure than liposuction. Aqualyx fat dissolving injections is a permanent treatment for fat loss.

Treatment summary


From £175


Occasional slight discomfort




30 min


7-10 days


2-3 treatments, every 4 weeks

What can Aqualyx treat?

Aqualyx is used to treat excess fat pockets in different areas of the face and body. We can treat the following areas with Aqualyx:

  • Double chin (pocket of fat under the chin)
  • Back fat - bra back fat
  • Arm fat (bingo wing area) – an alternative to arm liposuction
  • Fat-dissolving injections for stomach fat
  • For creation of six pack definition/six packs abs
  • Love handles
  • Flanks and waist
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • The area under the buttocks
  • Bingo wings

What can I expect on the day of treatment?

On the day of treatment:

  • You will have a consultation with one of our doctors, if you are deemed suitable for treatment and wish to go ahead then treatment can be performed on the same day as consultation.
  • The area to be treated is marked out. The Aqualyx solution is mixed with a local anaesthetic called lidocaine before injection for your comfort.
  • A number of injections are administered to ensure the area of fat to be removed is fully covered.
  • After treatment, the doctor will massage the areas and you will need to continue this massage at home for several days after your treatment
  • You will experience swelling/discolouration of the skin and tenderness, on some occasions you may have some bruising. The area will feel tender for 7- 10 days and appear swollen for this time.
  • You will require 2 or 3 treatments, with improvement normally becoming visible after the second treatment.

Benefits of Aqualyx

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Long lasting

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Works quickly

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dramatic results

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Reduce stubborn fat

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Get in touch

Book a free initial consultation for Aqualyx fat dissolving treatment or get in touch to find out more. Our team are professional and discreet, and always ready to help and advise on your concerns.

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